Afton Chemical Wins “Excellent Technical Paper Award” at JSAE Annual Congress
Afton Chemical presented the topic on the possibility of the low viscosity in motorcycle oil as titled "Development of Fuel-Efficient Engine Oil Concept for Motorcycle Application Maintaining Hardware Protection and Wet-Clutch Performance" in JSAE Fall Annual Congress 2022, which was held in Osaka, Japan.
In the presentation, Afton Chemical demonstrated the performance of their state-of-art engine oil additive formulation for motorcycle applications that satisfies the current JASO standards with improved fuel efficiency. The technology delivered 1.7% to 4% fuel economy gain in World Motorcycle Test Cycle (WMTC) emission test compared with major viscosity grade motorcycle oils such as 10W-30 or 10W-40.
These results prove that our innovative technology is capable of balancing fuel economy and wet clutch performance, an essential performance factor in motorcycle applications. The technology we provide to help improve fuel efficiency will also support reduced C02 emissions to the environment.

About the JSAE Excellent Technical Paper Presentation Award
This award was established during the 2002 Spring Annual Congress to improve the quality of presentations at the Annual Congress. Award winners are selected based on the audience's evaluation of the quality of the oral presentation, the quality of the slides, and the quality of the paper.
The winner is finally decided by the Awards Committee in JSAE from the list of candidates by the Scientific Lecture Steering Committee in JSAE.
Recipient: Akiyuki Honda (Marketing Manager PCMO, Afton Chemical Asia Pte.Ltd.)
Awarded Presentation Title: Development of Fuel-Efficient Engine Oil Concept for Motorcycle Application Maintaining Hardware Protection and Wet-Clutch Performance