The Power of Cool

Recent simulations have explored the potential benefits of three areas of emerging eAxle technology: direct oil-cooling of eMotors, multi-speed transmissions and battery immersion cooling. eMotors generate a formidable amount of heat, so direct oil-cooling is increasingly seen as a way to optimize performance. While the market continues to eVolve, electric vehicle lubrication is also coming of age – bringing with it the power of cool. This article explores the latest research from Ricardo and Afton Chemical, highlighting the benefits of effective cooling for eAxles, multi-speed transmissions and beyond.


Featured in the November 2020 addition of Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology International Magazine. The full magazine can be found here - Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology International Magazine, November 2020
Navigate to see Afton Chemical's eMobility findings and trends transforming the Automotive industry.Afton Chemical presents "Oils and Electric Motors (eMotors)", as published in Lube Magazine
Afton Chemical presents eMobility: Are you on the CASE?, as published in Lube Magazine

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