HiTEC® 8332G

Premium Diesel Additive
Disponibilidad actual por regiones
North America
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OTR® 8332G is a multifunctional, heavy-duty, diesel fuel additive specially formulated to provide complete injector cleanliness for better fuel economy and less engine maintenance, especially in today's modern high pressure common rail injection engines. It also contains cetane improver to improve engine starting.OTR® 8332G is safe for use in heavy-duty, diesel powered equipment for on-road, off-road and marine use. It should be added to the storage tank prior to each delivery to ensure a homogeneous additive/fuel mixture. As with any fuel additive, exercise care by handling it in well ventilated areas while wearing proper eye and skin protection. Refer to the MSDS for more specific information.
This product qualifies for the USA EPA 40CFR80.591A certification meaning the product contains <15 ppm (mg/L) sulfur.
This product has been specially formulated for use in today's modern diesel fuels and typical biodiesel blends. Please contact your Afton sales representative for more information.
Key Performance Benefits
- Cleans up internal injector "sticky" deposits
- Prevents formation of internal injector "sticky" deposits
- Helps keep injectors clean for more efficient engine operation, reducing the extent of both power and emissions deterioration, meets the latest DW-10 performance test
- Improves ignition quality, raising cetane by up to 2 numbers for easier engine starts and faster dissipation of white smoke
- Increases lubricity, extending the life of critical fuel pump and injector parts
- Increases fuel stability and corrosion control, reducing filter plugging, sludge formation, and fuel system corrosion